Thursday, March 15, 2012

Catching Up with life

Well I guess it's been a while since anybody has heard from me but I figure I'll get everybody caught up with my life.

Where to start, well I took a break from school for personal reasons and am now in the working world. I started working through Staff Manangement at Brown Printing and am now on Brown Printing's payroll as of October 23rd, 2011. I have liked working there ever since I got hired. I work 12 hour shifts Sunday Monday Tuesday and every other Saturday. On my days off I also work at my part time job at Cash Wise Foods. You would think I'd be tired after working so many days in a row, but I'll admit it's getting to be tough on me and am thinking about cutting back so I can keep my health intact. But I'm happy to report that I've lost over 20 pounds since I started working at Brown so I'm really feeling better and getting my self back on track health wise.

I also now live on my own. I moved out of my parents house and have been on my own since November. So at the age of 22 I am independent have been doing a lot of different things such as traveling and also having to balance bills.

Now one thing I'm looking forward to is going to North Carolina for the first time ever. I'm really looking forward to that. I leave July 22nd and I get back in MN on the 28th. I look into July and I look at just how much I'll be on the road for one I'll be heading to WI for a family get together North Carolina at the end of the month and then a week after I get home I get to go to the cities for a Duane Family Reunion.

So from taking a break from school to work a full time job as well as a part time job to moving out on my own and traveling a lot I've been pretty busy but I like my new lifestyle.